In Memoriam

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Throughout the Vietnam conflict, Company B-12 sent several Brothers to the war. Of those who served, only one did not come home: Randall B. Purdy, Lance Corporal, US Marine Corps was killed in Vietnam by friendly fire while serving as a forward artillery observer (at least that's the story I got). Randy served as guide-on bearer for our drill teams. He was a talented artist despite being color blind. He was a close friend and a Pledge Brother. Randy's death brought the war home as no headline could. I will never forget attending his funeral with several P/R Brothers at a snow covered graveyard in Randy's up state New York home town high in the Adirondack mountains.

I took these photos during my first and only visit to The Wall in June 2002. It had taken me twenty years to face The Wall and by the time I was done, I was a total emotional wreck. Creating this page has not been much easier. I was spared the personal trauma of Vietnam, not withstanding a 4 year military obligation stemming from my ROTC scholarship. Commissioned in Military Intelligence in 1968, I attended the Infantry Officer Basic Course at Ft. Benning, Georgia and the Cryptologic School at Ft. Devens, Mass. The Army in its wisdom (and God in His mercy) posted me to the National Security Agency at Ft. Meade, MD for the remaining 3 1/2 years of my tour (July 1968 through July 1972). I lucked out, many didn't, including Randy.

"Randy" Purdy

Site dedicated to Pershing Rifles Brothers & Sisters, Co B-12, Boston University | Site prepared by